Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mischief Managed

Well folks an emergency room, an urgent care, 4 prescriptions, 6 days, and an ear irrigation later my ear is finally starting to feel better. I have had many ear infections so I didn't understand why this one hurt so bad! After a few nights in tears, no sleeping, and a blessing from my husband, I finally caved and went to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed me with three different types of infection, and that's why I was in so much pain. Well he gave me an antibiotic, numbing drops, and pain killers....and only 2 days worth, so 2 days later I tried to make a follow up appointment. I called 4 different clinics and they either couldn't take me, or had a wait till the 1st or 2nd week in October. With my medication all gone and the pain coming back we finally just went to an urgent care last night. I'll tell you what the lord sure is looking out for me. What a small world that the doctor I got had lived in Utah and had relatives that went to high school with Eric. It was fun to talk with him, and to know that I have found a doctor for emergencies at least! Well he thought we were just coming in for a follow up thinking it's been 5 days an ear infection should be cleared up by then. But after looking at my ear he was corrected. He did an irrigation and cleaned out my ear! I'll save you all the gruesome details but lets just say it wasn't pretty what came out. He prescribed me some new drops and this morning I'm finally feeling better! Hallelujah.

So this morning I actually had an interview. Midland City has a website that lists all the city jobs so I sent my application, and got a call from the Animal Shelter. It was pretty funny though, because little did I know there are two animal shelters on the same road. I stopped at the first one that I found thinking I was at the right place, only to discover I wasn't. The funny thing was that the owner ran out and sad if you don't like that place come apply here, and they laughed! I started to get a weird feeling thinking maybe this place I was going wasn't going to be a great job. So I went for the interview and from the get co didn't have a very good feeling. The job does pay pretty well, but I would have to work Sundays which I was hoping to avoid, and some of my job duties (though I could handle and would be willing) would not be the most pleasant. It just seemed really dark, bleak and dirty. So they said that they had a few more interviews and they would let me know. If they do call me back I'm not sure I'll take the job! I know that I need a job badly, but at this point after I've held out this long, I don't want to just settle for a job that will end up being a bad situation. I'd rather wait to find a job that will be a good fit for me. That might even mean I take a pay cut, but I'm okay with that. I think I would rather make a little less but find some joy in what I'm doing everyday, rather then get paid more money just to be miserable. So I did contact the first shelter that I stopped at, and they are a no kill shelter, which I think I would like a lot better. And the two ladies I talked to already seemed a lot nicer and more friendly. Maybe something will work out there. So I'm still hoping for that Midland College job I have been calling for an update and not able to get through. So I emailed the lady again today and she said they were still taking applications and that I would receive a letter or phone call when my application has been processed. BY GOLLY HOW LONG AM I SUPPOSE TO WAIT? It has now been a month since I turned in my application and I'm not rejected nor accepted. Come on people just give me an answer, whatever answer that might be, good or bad, I just want to know so I can move forward. I'm thinking my plan is to just go and apply at a few more places around town that I have been looking at, and if something good comes up I'm going to take it and not wait around for Midland College. But who knows maybe they will contact me soon and it will all work out!

Well I know just words are boring, but unfortunately I don't have any good pictures right now! But I'll post something good and exciting soon!

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